136-We Manage To Not Screw Up An Interview With Jake From RacersHQ And Rags To Races!

Episode 136-RacersHQ Take Two

This week in the blanket fort, we bring in our (virtual) guest Jake from RacersHQ! You probably already know Jake from the Rags to Races podcast, or you probably already know him from the tales we tell on our podcast of how awesome he is, what a fast kart racer he is, and how awesome it is to be on a racing crew with him!

Well now, you see, ol’ Jake here is embarking on a new adventure. (I don’t know why, but when I wrote that, it sounded like the Dukes of Hazard voiceover in my head, so you should probably read it that way too). Anyway…ahem…Well, Jake here, he’s now at the helm of RacersHQ, and we’re going to talk to him to get the scoop.

Thanks for coming back on the show Jake, you’re welcome in the blanket fort anytime!

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