137-Ian Doesn’t Know How Numbers Work, Dave Exposes Himself And The Fears Of Others, And We Put Out Piping Hot Hashtag Content

Episode 137-Content is so hot right now.

We’ve talked before about how being in our orbit kind of wobbles the orbit of people around us, and in this episode we continue to discuss the impact of calling out what we see on the street.

In addition to Ian refusing to recognize how integers work, we reminisce on car brands from the 90s, and expose the soft spot in our hearts for Panoz.

Speaking of soft spots, it’s interesting how some brands expose theirs without intending to do so. Making discoveries like this means our time at the Denver Auto Show was well spent. Poking soft spots, producing that piping hot hashtag content, and general tomfoolery, that’s the TeamClearCoat you’ve come to know and trust.

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